[AB] 75k Salary vs $85/hour contractor
I'm interviewing for a contractor position in a few days and wanted to get some opinions on which people would find more desirable, and hopefully get an idea of some questions I need to ask during the interview.
*Current position is $75,000/yr + solid benefits + 3 weeks vacation.
*Position being considered is $85/hour as a contractor rate.
Looking up previous posts like this most seem to favor the full time salaried positions, but I didn't see any dealing with quite so large a gap in pay. I have only ever been a salaried employee so i'm trying to figure out what all needs to be considered.
I have to confirm, but I imagine i'll have to be a PSB which I know brings tax implications, and I have concerns over rates for medical insurance having a past medical history of blood cancer. Vacation time is not a major concern to me. (This is in the Environmental industry if that matters).
I would appreciate any help or suggestions of things I need to look further into/make sure I get answered during my interview.