How to get out of poverty?

I've been economically challenged for most of my life.

Currently I'm positioned to transition out of poverty into middle income but my fiscal habits and cultural vices have dug a financial hole deeper than any I have ever been in.

I'm finding it hard to cope with mentally and as a single guy with nary a one confidant to advise me financially.

My experience with sharing at this point is being met with indifference, or general incredulity at the idea that a man positioned where I am is needing help with finances, and painfully even outright ridicule at the idea that at my big age I'm underwater.

Pertinent info following:

Canadian in one of the HCOL major cities, as such all amounts will be in CAD


Salary: 70,000 pre-tax and deductions

Monthly income: 4000 after taxes and deductions

No investments

No side income

Monthly Expenses:

Rent: 1400

Groceries: 400

Transport: 200

Alcohol+Tobacco: 200

Bars/Parties/Nightlife: 1000

Phones: 90

Family tithes: 200

Clothes/shoes: 150

Subscriptions 40

Replacing/Repairing items: 100

Eating out: 200

Toiletries: 50

Internet: 75


PayDay Loans: 1700

Internet: 100

Old phone/internet: 200

Family member: 3000

Friend: 850

(in collections):

School loans: 28000

Credit cards: 3000

Gym: 300

Writing this out helped me see a lot, and I've put off writing a budget because I said to myself to wait until I'm solvent to plan how to marshall my funds. Finishing that last sentence left me a little gobsmacked.

I can see the problems when they're written down, but in my day to day life I feel as if I'm so distracted that I can never see the issues causing me financial strain.

My question to the gurus in /personal finance is, how have you overcome financial hardships?

I'm willing to consider all advice and do/try any methods or tools suggested.

Chances are I will pick the most salient suggestion(s) for my disposure and bandwidth currently and launch myself into them headfirst.

But all suggestions will be considered and appreciated.

I will also be returning to this thread as time passes and reconsidering advice and strategies as I navigate remedying my financial health.

Thanks folks

(Writing this also helped me recognize that financial advisors exist, and I am researched a few in my city whom I plan to consult)

Edit: Thanks to all who responded. Lots of great suggestions in the comments. I appreciate the frank, thoughtful, and supportive dialogue. I'm off for a few hours but will return to this thread later to read through all of your replies