Is the interest portion on car payments deductible if car is on my personal name but I use it for my inc?

I have an incorporated company and I pay myself IN DIVIDENDS every year. No salary. I am therefore not an employee of my own company but simply a shareholder.

I also have a part-time job with another company that pays me a salary, but I don't think that changes anything in this issue.

The question goes as follow: I have a vehicle (which is in my personal name and NOT IN THE NAME OF MY COMPANY) and I was wondering if I could deduct the INTEREST portion only from my personal taxes?

I have kept a record and I drive a lot in the course of my business duties (as president and main shareholder)... Could I deduct the interest portion of my payments directly related to the business activities ratio of my company? Essentially, would I be able to do

(mileage for my business duties / total annual mileage) x total interest paid on my personal car financing this year

Thanks in advance!