Does anyone else feel physically vile/disgusting/gross on their period?
I'm 26 and my periods started at 15. If someone reads the title of this post, I don't want it to feel like I'm creating more stigma around periods which is already a difficult subject for many people to talk about. I'm saying that just for me personally, the sensory aspects of having a period feel quite difficult to manage, mainly around physically seeing blood on the period products I use and also being very self conscious of not wanting to smell unpleasant on my period and being hyper aware of any odours even if there aren't actually any or other people can't smell anything. I feel stuck tbh as I have always used sanitary towels as using tampons has always kind of freaked me out due to the concept of sticking something "up there" , but I'm also aware that using internal protection would probably reduce concerns around smelling unpleasant but I also have health anxiety and am terrified of contracting TSS so there's that