Tampon help please

UPDATE! Turns out I was pushing it in wrong! Only just saw a helpful image showing to push in basically push in with the tampon as straight as your legs are sitting down and OH MY GOD THAT HELPED MORE THAN ANYTHING

Hi, I've been using pads for basically my whole life. I tried tampons in my earlier teens but only tried one before going back to pads cause I felt I was using them wrong. Now in my twenties, I decided to retry tampons and...? I don't know if I'm doing it wrong again?

I'm pushing it as far back as I can but I can still feel it for a while and so far the two I've used hurt putting in but it slowly faded (the first came out easily after 6 hours in so I think the flow strength is right)

Is it supposed to hurt when first inserted? Is it supposed to take a bit to settle until its unnoticeable?