Phantom smell or BO change?
I have an odd ‘chemical greasy oranges’ smell that’s been with me since September last year. The intensity varies a lot but it never goes away completely. I find it deeply unpleasant.
It wasn’t that strong to start with. I first thought it was vape liquid, as it was similar-ish. So I quit. No difference. I had been working away and thought it might stop when I returned home in October. Nope.
My sense of smell has become significantly more acute in the last couple of years. I was never that bothered about environmental smells before. Now the sensory overload is real. It’s as if people are walking around telling me: “I ate a portion of mango at lunch today.” “I’m feeling very anxious and haven’t drank enough water.” My husband said he would quit vaping. I have busted him every time he lapsed 😂poor guy!
I notice my body odour responding to more subtle changes in my diet, hydration and stress levels. This is why I think the ‘greasy oranges’ smell comes from me, at least partially. But even when the smell seems particularly strong to me, others can barely notice it (or are politely humouring me). Washing my body doesn’t make any difference either, which would indicate it’s a phantom smell.
After going through a period of washing my clothes and bedding daily, I’ve realised this is a change I will need to accept for the moment. Though unpleasant, it’s not in the same league of impairment as the brain fog or mood swings are. Still, it would be interesting to hear from others with similar symptoms and whether they found anything helped them. I noticed someone has recommended scented nasal dilators, which I might try.