Women who have had cystocele repair surgery, how was it and are you still happy with the results? Having surgery soon, could use insight.

New account, first time poster; please bear with me!

I have a fairly typical story - had 2 kids (both on the heavier side!) and ended up with a bladder sagging into my vagina, and of course urinary incontinence.

I have been waiting to get this repair done ever since my first child was born, and the time is almost here! I am most certainly set on having the surgery, but of course it's still a nerve wracking experience and I would appreciate hearing other women's stories about this topic!

My main questions are - what was the healing like, and for how long? Did you do PT afterwards? Were the results what you expected post-op? How long ago was your surgery and are the results still holding up? Do you regret it or would you recommend this surgery to other women? Did it improve your quality of life?

I would appreciate any comments! Thank you so much.