There’s so much knowledge and experience in this group!! We all share a common goal, let’s help one another out.

I’m going to list out my symptoms, current recovery routine and approach to healing. Please share any and all tips/advice you’ve successfully used to navigate back to health!

26M have had a hypertonic (tight) PF for about 2.5 months now.

Symptoms: dull/ ache in PF sometimes sharp pains in scrotum, penis and perineum. Tightness in glutes, hips, inner thighs, sometimes in lower abdomen. No ED but some discomfort when having sex and a slight numbness in penis. Some constipation but bowel movements overall aren’t too bad.

Current healing routine: been going to PFPT for about 2 months. Mostly massages, stretching, breathing and some internal rectal work (just finger, no dilators or wands). Daily Reverse kegels and breathing but I still do have to sit a lot for work. Lots of foam rolling as well.

Current state of affairs- things seem to oddly be getting worse over time despite some days of little to no symptoms.

Please share any and all advice you’d give or your success story If you’ve been where u am and recovered!!

Thank you my friends!