UPDATE RE: $12 14900k found at bin store

Context: https://www.reddit.com/r/PcBuild/s/mU9VeCLN5Q

Hey everybody! I know it’s been a few days since you heard any kind of update on this
I did not have the proper motherboard to test the CPU so I brought it to a local shop here in Tampa.

That shop ran test through things like blender and other software to ensure that everything was working under stress and that it was even a real CPU and not a fake.

I have just received the call and update and at this point in time it has been given the greenlight from Intel! CPU is not only real, but there are no problems with any pins. Nothing is overheating no delamination oxidization, etc. etc. the card was simply a return item that either someone used and got bored of/spooked or had buyers remorse and just returned it.