7900 XTX with RM1000X Shift?

RX 7900 XTX with RM1000x Shift?

So basically I'm building my fiest PC right now but I have a problem, the RX 7900 XTX needs 3 8-Pin connectors but my PSU, the Corsair RM1000x Shift only has 2 connectors labelled for the GPU, I'm confused as to what do to, the PSU does come with a daisy chained cable that has 2x 6+2-Pins but I've heard that's not optimal.

Can I put one of the three 6+2-Pin Cables into the connector that was meant for the CPU on the PSU?

To clarify, I don't intend on using the Cable meant for the CPU, just if the GPU cable can be plugged into the connector that is meant for the CPU.