Help with character/background. Culty player

We are finishing out DnD campaign in the next month or so and i am getting a headstart on a character idea and the cultist background took my fancy. Initially a rogue but now thinking Leshy Oracle with the Fruit Leshy heritage and ageless spirit feat. My initial text to my DM was:

*'Yeh so thought process was maybe i escape the Whispering Way but as i can recognise other cultists/religious people maybe i recuirt others to combat the cult. But part of it is also i can pretend to be part of another religion so i could be trying to bring them down from the inside or make people follow Whispering Way instead.

"Oh yea taking down that dragon was easy, through my training with this group of heroic legends i have honed my skills. Just head over to (Insert cult hq) and they can help"*

The idea of being a super sneaky rogue appealed but maybe a Leshy that through divination i can coerce others into following me, plus giving them literal fruit of life from my being is pretty cult inducing.

Has anyone played a cult leader or managed a group of followers?