Poison needs more support
Hey so since I was curious I decided to see the average save chance of an on level creature with a moderate fort save against injury poison. It's not good. Like very, very not good.
On average all the way up to level 20 a moderate monster save on a 9 on the dice. A 60 percent chance of success. Remember a poison does nothing if the creature saves.
On top of that there are only four injury poisons with the virulent trait.
I keep thinking of ways how to make my toxicologist better at getting a poison to reach stage two. At this point i'm giving up on that and can only really hope paizo comes out with a feat that give injury poisons the virulent trait.
And no your alchemist dc will not help you. In fact they are often worst or equal to the dc's of the poisons of your level. Also that feature only effect your infused reagent. Which fun fact doesn't effect the subclasses main items except for tocicologist.(okay it does effect bombers who use items like glue bombs but still!)
To those of you who want to mention pinpoint poisoner. Yes that does help changing that 60% success chance to just 50%. With something like curse maelstrom and making them fail the will save to make the curse stick to an enemy you are giving them a 40% chance to succeed which is soo much better. That doesn't change how much of a pain being a toxicologist is.
Also yes the blow gun feat helps... if you crit succeed. But in all likely hood they will take one round of poison and be done with the save by the end of their next turn.
What sucks more. Poisons are probably not use by enough people for this problem to be fix. Or he'll maybe paizo doesn't think this is a problem. They clearly made the toxicologist subclass to be a one hit burst damage class. Don't get me started on drugs.