How do haunts play out in practice?
My group of almost 25 years has recently dipped our toes into Pathfinder 2E.
And we've played all sorts of systems, probably 3.5 and Pathfinder 1e the most, but most recently Genesys Star wars and 5e.
We are playing through abomination vaults and we're trying to figure out how haunts play out in practice.
I'll go over my understandings and please correct me if I'm wrong on any of these.
Haunts are a type of hazard. Hazards are the global type that covers all sorts of environmental dangers including traps.
In all the important ways, they get interacted with much like a trap. You have a DC to notice it. There are conditions that can trigger it. And once it is triggered something happens. That could be something very fast just as a single reaction or something more complex. The more complex being our questions.
With traps, it is almost always just disable device to disable the trap. With haunts, it seems to be a wide variety of ways they can be dealt with, which is super cool.
The contention among a few of the players is sort of knowing what to do and how to figure out how to disable it.
Most of us sort of take it as a round-based role-playing opportunity where we describe something that we are doing to try to investigate or figure out, which often equates to a skill check, either to notice something or recall knowledge. At least one of our players seems annoyed that there is not a mechanism to know how to disable a haunt. That either we should know what our options are or there should be standard ways of dealing with them like always a religion check.
I think part of this could be that we are not quite into the new paradigm of secret roles, which is funny because that's a thing we used to do in 3.5 on our own. Should the DM be making secret recall knowledge rules for us or should those specifically be triggered by us indicating we're doing something to that effect in the round? Or is there something else we're missing?