Is stacking Numb to Death and Cheat Death overkill?
I plan to take Numb to Death at our next level up (8) while also looking ahead to level 12, where I get access to Cheat Death. There is nothing in the language of either that suggests they can't coexist. This leaves me wondering if taking both of them in conjunction with Diehard, which I already have, is overkill. On the one hand, it would be exceedingly difficult to kill me. On the other, it may take away from the 'every battle could be your last' aspect that PF2E excels at.
Relevant character info
I'm a level-six Cafolk Braggart Swashbuckler in a 2e Kingmaker campaign. The short version of my backstory is that completely unbeknownst to me, I died as a kitten and was brought back in some unknown way by my powerful, influential parents. I've already spent a couple of feats that make me more difficult to kill; my character believes are gifts from Desna.
There are other feats I can take instead of Cheat Death that would work well with said backstory, so I am not locked into it by any means.
Thanks for the advice!