Rules in P2E that D&D5E lacks
Hey guys, I'm a longtime TTRPG player/GM considering getting into P2E because I'm bored of 5E's dearth of character customization options and its unreliable encounter building parameters. I've been reading on comparisons between the two systems, and a recurring talking point is that P2E has a lot more rules for specific actions and undertakings than D&D5E does. I mentioned this to my partner, and he asked what specific rules 5E is lacking in that P2E has, but I couldn't answer.
So my question is, if you've played 5E and P2E, what are in your opinion some of the most important/beneficial rules in P2E that 5E doesn't have? I hope the question isn't too vague, but I think I'm gonna have to pitch giving P2E a go to my crew and I'm curious about some specific examples.