14.5k mana/500K+ Gemling Sparker Giveaway! (200-700 estimated value in divines)
Hello! I have played a level 95 stormweaver and a level 96 gemling sparker focusing on INT stacking. Not because it is the best but because it was good enough and a fun thing to try for. This was my final result. Upgrades became too expensive and wiped out my desire to farm.
What can this build do? Literally anything. There is not one thing I struggled with on this build. Simu, Breach, Maxed bosses, Maxed Arbitier, Ritual farming, and more. Painless.
Does it have rarity? 180% base rarity. If you care about that.
Is there any footage of this? Sure.. but I am lazy :)
The value range of the items.. well I don't wanna price them but many of them were 70divine items. I think 200-700 is fair :.) Check out the POB link to see the items o:!
How will this giveaway work? Well just tell me how you liked/disliked the first round of POE2 early access in a comment and in 24 hours from the posting of this I will randomly choose a winner. If the winner does not claim the prize within 24 hoursishh I will choose another winner and so on until the build has been given away.
Should the winner choose to play the build vs selling the items I am happy to answer any questions about the build.
I did go ahead and vaal all the items I was using but with only good results.
EDIT: WINNER CHOSEN AT RANDOM FROM NEARLY 900+ responses! Thank you everyone who shared your responses I read many of them.
/u/Histidines has claimed the prize. See his comment below:
"Omg this looks really frikin fun (just clicked your link)!!! A caster gemling spark build?!?! Dude I need to try this, hopefully luck is on my side finally lol, I love how diverse builds can get which is so great about this game"