The drop rates in this game need work.
I have over 500 hours in this game and I have literally dropped nothing of value. Yes I drop the occasional divine orb but that's boring. I want to drop something exciting like good gear. Every time a tier 5 rare item drops the modifiers are horrible, every time a unique item drops the unique is useless. Where are the good uniques that make you want to create a new build and try out? I should be excited when a unique drops, instead Im more excited when a normal rarity item drops.
Why haven't I received a single good rare item??? Why have I not dropped any of the sought after uniques? I know T0 uniques are supposed to be rare but I spent 500 hours of my life on this game. That is 500 hours I will never get back and I have nothing to show for it. I think getting rewarded with a good loot drop with that amount of play time is fair. The main reason people play ARPGS is for loot and character progression. I feel like Im just wasting my time. Please do something about this. I shouldn't have to buy everything from the trade website.