Bangash Pashtuns - who are they? Little story /rant And more general questions
Assalamoalaikum , For a bit of background, I am a non Pashtun married to a Pashtun man whose entire family is from the UAE , the other part of his family that lives in Pak live in a city environment as well. I’ve noticed that in them there is a great lack of knowledge of their heritage as well as pride or love for it. Au contraire - there is a general sentiment that to be Pashtun is something inferior, including the clothing , songs, etc. As someone that has , due to circumstances, been forced out of my land/ people with no hope of return - it is painful to see people with such rich heritage putting it in the bin and adopting Punjabi/ Indian / UAE culture , while hating their own. It’s almost as if a part of Pashtuns (them) developed a colonised mentality- even hating Afghan Pashtuns.
Anyway since I married I have been trying my level best to research about my husband’s heritage and instil love and pride. We’ve also started speaking Pashto in the house and I’ve been alhamdulillah learning well. In addition to it - wearing traditional clothes, jewellery and making it normal ( at least in the house as we live in a western country). In researching about them I found different answers on where they are from and who they are from different family members. From the grandfather and elder aunties (whose memories are weak) I’ve narrowed it down to they are from Hangu , and they are Sunni Bangash.
I’ve been trying to find more about them on the internet but the resources are limited.
If anyone in the sub has more information please can you share it with me as it would greatly help me in educating my husband and our children in the future as well as his family.
I believe Pashtuns have a beautiful culture and heritage and a beautiful language and any information, even information on disputes , or whether I am correct in assuming some Pashtuns in Pakistan show sort-of colonised mindsets , reasons for these sentiments - anything informational is greatly appreciated.
JazakomAllah khair.