Syn-One Biopsy Confirmed For Me Early-onset Parkinson's Disease
There is pathologic evidence of phosphorylated alpha-synuclein deposition within my cutaneous nerves. It is noted that this finding is consistent with a diagnosis of alpha-synucleinopathy. Clinical correlation is required to distinguish the type of synucleinopathy. It also tests for amyloidosis and small nerve fiber neuropathy.
I have had three neurologists who suspected I have Early-onset Parkinson's by clinical presentation, but the first two wanted a DaTscan. The diagnostic center wanted 3k upfront, the DaTscan uses radioactive iodine, and it takes about 6-8 hours to complete -- I did not want to go that route. It is also much more subjective based on the clinician reading the results.
I have definitive proof of alpha-synucleinopathy with the three-punch biopsies through Syn-One that took literally 15 minutes to perform. My small nerve fibers have a borderline result from my lower thigh and distal leg areas. I have burning in my feet and up my legs to around my knee, so I knew I was close to having neuropathy, which is common in PD.
I wanted to share this in case anyone had any reservations. I would do it again in a heartbeat! I only had one positive biopsy, but that is all that is needed. That is why they do three to increase the ability to diagnose. The punch biopsies are only 3mm, and no stitches or anything other than a small bandage is needed.
I have also had neurocognitive testing because I am having memory problems. It did not show MCI, but I was significantly impacted in certain areas I should not have been, and my executive function is compromised.