Why does my 15-month-old daughter behave worse with me?
My 15-month-old daughter acts completely differently with me compared to my wife, and I don’t understand why.
To start off, my wife is horrible to me—really vile. She constantly blames me for our daughter’s behavior, saying it’s my fault she depends on milk too much because I feed it to her too often. She also blames me for her not eating enough solids, even though I try to feed her solids as much as I can while working full-time(work from home).
When my daughter was small, my wife went through postpartum depression(still going to therapy, also blaming me fr this as I don’t ask for the midwife change while labour), so I did everything—feeding, changing, comforting her at night. I still do all the night shifts because if my wife wakes up, she can’t fall back asleep. Because of this, my daughter has become very attached to me. When it’s time to sleep, she wants to hug me. If I’m around, she screams for me and refuses to sleep without me. But if I’m not there, she falls asleep just fine with my wife.
Same thing with playing—she’s demanding with me, screams and cries if I don’t do exactly what she wants. But with my wife, she’s quiet and calm.
Why is she like this?
TL;DR: My wife is horrible to me and blames me for our daughter depending on milk and not eating solids. I’ve been the main caregiver since birth, doing all the nights and feeding. My daughter is extremely attached to me but also more demanding, crying and screaming when I’m around, while she’s calm with my wife. Why?