Husband hurt child and I think it's the final straw

I'm on the mobile so format may not be good. I will try to keep it brief as I don't want this coming back to me. I'm in UK

Husband hit child with an object on bare skin leaving mark that is still there 2 days later. I reported this to childs school to check her (there's history of hub hitting). Luckily I did this as child reported it themselves and if I hadn't I would have lost kids. He has been removed from the house by social and is awaiting police interview.

Social have advised me that they don't recommend him coming back They have said he has a high chance of prosecution. I feel guilty as anything as I feel I've destroyed my marriage (he doesn't know i sent the email) but the kids come first.

How do I tell him it's going to have to be over? I'm so angry at him. I will forever love him I just don' him right now.

Any advice appreciated