PSA: Make sure you know your kids actual birthday!

By the title, it probably seems obvious that you would remember your kids DOB right? Well I wanted to share this story as I’m 31 weeks and stuck in bed🤣

My dad (who turns 67 on may 28th) went to file for disability about 5 ish years ago. The process got delayed because the DOB he used didn’t match their records, and they thought it was sketchy. He called them and asked what they meant, and they said that he put 5/29, but according to his social security number and birth records, he was born on 5/28.

This man went over 60 FREAKIN YEARS celebrating his birthday on 5/29. My mom (his wife) celebrated it then, family, everyone. He spent 60 years thinking he was born May 29th, and it turns out his mom, who had 12 kids total, flipped the days. He never knew, nobody ever caught it?? I don’t know how that’s even possible, even his license had May 29th on it. & while it’s just a one day difference, we crack jokes about it constantly.

So, as an expecting FTM with horrible, horrible pregnancy brain…I might just get baby’s birthdate tatted on me🤷🏻‍♀️🤣 can you imagine?? How did tax records not catch it? How was it disability to finally address it?? So many questions, and 0 answers. I just remembered this when I was asked how far along I was and I kept saying 32 but that I was due 4/10 (when it’s 5/10, and that number doesn’t add up to an April due date). He was the 11th kid, so I wonder if grandma just gave up on keeping track.