My parents buzzed my 1 year old son’s hair.
Last night my parents watched my son(which doesn’t happen often) and this morning when I picked him up he had a buzz cut I had already expressed to them before I didn’t want him to get a buzz cut I would trim the sides myself once in a while is all. I still kept my cool with my dad and all I said was I thinks it’s too short you over did it, he starts fuming and raises his tone saying “don’t worry I’m never ever again cutting his hair in his life!” I left it at that and called my mom to ask if she had been there when it happened, she proceeded to say “no but he looks soo cute” I said it’s too short I didn’t want it that short and she says “well don’t say anything to your dad please that’s not okay since he was so nice to watch him for you last night don’t be ungrateful” “plus it’s good for him to grown new hair” I am pretty sad/upset about the haircut since his first birthday is in a week but I’m more upset about them saying pretty much be grateful that we watched him and let it go.
Am I wrong for being bothered by this?