My daughter occasionally wants to sleep by me, I don't think its weird but my wife does.

For some added context I (30m) have 2 children from my previous marriage that I have full custody of due to a long list of reasons. My wife (step-mom) has been in their lives for the last 4 years and full time parent for 2 and my wife has a daughter the same age as my daughter who is 6.

Anyway, occasionally my wife is out of town to go have parent time with her daughter due to some complications with her ex not working with us on the schedule so she stays at her parents and when she is, sometimes my daughter will ask to sleep by me or just have "cuddle time" where she sits by me on the couch and we watch a movie. Now I don't think this is weird, I remember asking to sleep by my mom until I was 8-9 occasionally if I was sick or just wanted to hang out with my mom, but then again my mom was a SAHM and my dad worked ungodly hours and was barely home at night.

Because of my kids bio mom, I personally have a "don't say no to affection" rule. If my kids tell me they love me 1000 times I always say it back, I'll give them all the hugs and kisses they want and never not tell them I'm proud of them or here for them. All in all, I just want to see if I'm not crazy or if this is something I should discontinue as it's something she looks forward to and it's nothing more than an occasional thing.