How the heck do we equitably split/share our money as a family!?
Hey all! I'm really struggling with how to share finances with my partner that feels fair to us both. I stay at home with our 1 year old daughter while he works 8-5 everyday. He works from home and is able to come up and give me little breaks here and there which is lovely. I recently picked up a part-time job that I work from home on the evenings and weekends. Some of that time he is watching her, and a lot of it is when she is in bed at night and he is getting free time. My partner works full time 150 hrs/month and I am working on average 70hrs per month. Currently our finances are separate and we have a joint account for our mortgage and bills and groceries that we put in set amounts monthly. I think we should have all our finances combined and get the same monthly spending money for ourselves each month and the rest is in joint savings and bills accounts. He thinks we should keep everything separate and contribute 70/30 to just the mortgage bills accounts. I'm reallllllllllly curious what other families do!!!! what seems fair to you!!!???