My kid’s teacher told her class that I “don’t like god”
Okay. So. To start, I am omnistic, my partner is catholic. We teach our kids with a neutral stance on religion so they can choose their own beliefs when they’re older, if they want to.
My kid goes to a public school. They are 7 - so this is first grade. Their teacher has started telling the class about Jesus and god and all that fun stuff. I addressed it, but I guess that pissed the teacher off because my kid told me that the teacher said the following: “if you don’t go to church, then you don’t like god! Just like [my child’s name]’s mom!” Keep in mind this teacher does not know me, or my religious affiliation.
I’m going to ask for a meeting with the teacher AND the principal. I also plan on forwarding that email to the school board. Is that the right move? I don’t think they’re going to do anything about it or have the teacher change her behavior because it’s a small school and everyone knows each other, But I canNOT have this nonsense being spewed at my kid. Or any other kid, for that matter. It’s a public school, for fuck’s sake.
EDIT: there are tons of questions so I’ll just answer them here! This is in Indiana, and has happened before. I’ve spoken with the principal about this before, but he is a MAGA Knight of Columbus and encourages stuff like this.
EDIT 2: The meeting happened and, honestly, it went as expected. Actually, no. It was worse. I 100% expected them to deny it, but I did not expect to be talked down to, belittled, and guilted. I was willing to work with them if they came to this meeting as open as I did, but they made it clear they see no problem with their behavior.