DH has our girls call him sir

And I hate it. I Hate it so much. I don't know why, but especially for girls (we have 2) It feels like a weird male power move, and just cold. Not loving and warm like a parent/child relationship should be. Am I wrong? I know this was a big thing a generation ago, but now it just feels controlling? I would like some perspective.

Ok edit to say: he did grow up partially in the south and has family still there. So it is partially southern. We however live in the northeast, where I have never heard anything like this from a parent/child relationship.

I think it's also bothersome bc our kids are young and he has 0 patience for anything, they are good kids, but they are preschoolers, and he's constantly yelling at them and getting annoyed over mundane stuff and gets really annoyed when they are not listening, I get it, it's frustrating but honestly they listen to me more I think bc I am better at communicating to kids, and understand they are young it takes them a while to do stuff or simply learn stuff. They are not tiny robots. He lacks a lot of understanding and patience so I think this coupled with the sir drives me batty.

Also he once did tell them to call me ma'am and I immediately shut it down. That is not the relationship I want and I also dislike that you must define between young/old/married

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