Adult son refusing to get a traditional job, wants to be a streamer. How to approach this?

My son (24) quit his call center job last year October after only 3 months of work. He said it was hell and made him crippled. Since then, he can't find a job at all. He has a computer science university degree, however he got it in a very unethical way: cheat through, zero study. So now he has a worthless paper on the shelf collecting dust and he threw out 4 years from his life. (+1 for being unemployed for a whole year)

He is dellusional, he wants to be a Twitch streamer. Started his "carrier" back in 2015, where he played a very popular game and peaked at avg 70 viewers. His peak viewers were 200. Unfortunately he eventually gave up in 2017 because he got burned out of it. In 2018 he restarted, trying with several other games but he failed. Every year he tried a comeback for a couple of weeks or months, but to no avail. Not helping the fact that he streams in a language that has only 10 million speaker worldwide and is the language of a very poor country where people cannot afford to donate to streamers. (The avg hourly wage is 3$).

Since 2021 he decided to go full out because he is serious about it so he sticked to 1 very nieche game that noone gives a damn about. He streams every day to not a single soul. His avg viewers are like 2 every stream. He does Youtube and Tiktok in the meantime, where he gathered 90 subscribers, but his videos get no views at all. He says he rather be homeless and stream to noone than have a traditional job and he will never go back to the job market, even if that means he dies.

He does go to therapy about video game addiction, it is government supported and he goes every 2 weeks. Unfortunately the therapist supports him to become a streamer with all these details I mentioned. We cannot change the therapist unfortunately and we cannot afford a private one. He did go to psychiatry too, but eventually threw out his medicine (antidepressant) in the trash and refuses to take them because it makes him sleep 20 hours a day (this side-effect would only last 3 weeks but he got rid of it after 4 days).

What should be a good way to approach this?