What is the most unexplainable/ frightening thing you have ever witnessed before??
Me first...
I was out on call at 2am approx. I had stopped at a major intersection waiting for my light to turn green. To my right is a huge cemetary that dates WAY back. I caught movement to my right, and watched a man walking to the crosswalk in front of me. My car was halfway into the walkway. This guy started walking, walked right thru the front of my car like it wasn't even there, continued walking and just literally vaporized right as he got to the center of the crosswalk. He reappeared as soon as he reached a bridge that goes under the overpass, then disappears again.
This scared the living shit out of me. I always avoided that intersection afterwards, and would drive out of my way to avoid it.
I avoid talking about this with just anyone because I'm afraid I'm gonna get tagged as 'crazy'. I know what i saw, and I want to hear other stories as well if ya'll have any.