Is my husband hearing disembodied voices!?
UPDATE: HOLY CRAP. I didn't expect this post to get as much traction as it did and I certainly didn't plan on revisiting but I owe you guys this update.. so my husband shared with me this morning that he.....MADE OUT THE VOICES. And it's unnerving. He heard crying, he said it was children crying. He heard a woman screaming, like screaming and screaming and made out the words... 'I will kill you.'
Yikes. I was so happy to land on the auditory things people have suggested as many of you have said you've experienced the same thing. But this is different, right? He also said, when he covered his ears, it stopped.
OP***My sweet husband of 5 years just dropped a BOMB. He woke up and said "I have to tell you something but I don't want you to think I'm weird." I said I already do lol. So he says...when he lays in bed awake after everyone else is asleep, he hears voices. After ruling out schizophrenia, he explained that it's like a conversation in another room. He's hearing someone having a conversation in another room ahhh! He can't make out what they're saying even though he tries to focus in on it. He said it's like listening to a TV or radio, it's like "chatter" is the word he keeps using.
Like we're still in bed and I'm writing this in real time because WHAT!? I'm into the paranormal and HE gets this experience AND HE'S NEVER TOLD ME?? But there's more...
He then goes on to tell me of several experiences throughout his life of hearing voices like this, once seeing a full on apparition and having objects inexplicably move around him. He said his even once told him the paranormal activity in his childhood home is "more active when you're here."
Not to mention he's sitting here telling me this like we're talking about the weather. I don't even know what my question is. He's probably definitely experiencing paranormal activity, right? Do I get an EVP? Get him exised? Just live vicariously through him? This is so cool.