What kinds of changes do you think would have to be made if Worm were ever adapted?
To clarify, I don’t necessarily mean changes that would have to be made as a result of the transition from text to screen (more focus on side character fights, reworking of bonesaw’s miasma, chapters that play with perspective, though I am secondarily interested in that)
I’m also assuming an animated series so nothing about how something would be too hard to capture in live action.
Rather, I’m thinking of things that might be too hot for television. I remember seeing in a comment section on YouTube that characters like Bonesaw and Bakuda would have to be wildly changed, as well as all of empire 88 and its splinter groups. Do you think there would be changes like this? Perhaps, less emphasis given to more touchy subject matter, while still having it implied? Or do you think worm, with all its darkness, is still something that could be shown on something like HBO or Amazon without many changes