Bruh I'm going nuts with this on switch

My game freezes and I have to hit the home button on my switch to back out of the game entirely and close the software. Then boot it back up. Every ten minutes. Didn't they recently put out a "patch"? I couldn't tell.

I can't join parties. People will send me requests. But that also glitches, and sends me the notification for the request over, and over, and over again until I leave the area. I can't accept the request, and it won't add me to the party. The ding ding ding ding ding ding ding makes me wanna uninstall in itself.

It never fails, every single time I choose the flirt dialogue with any NPC, it freezes and I have to force close again.

The chappaa chase for the festival was glitching on me half the time. It would start, but I wouldn't get the timer and chappaas wouldn't show up for me.

I keep playing bc I really like this game but damn, are they even trying? This game would be so fun if it actually worked.

I've done everything suggested to help facilitate smoother game play, please don't insult my intelligence by reading all of that and just saying "well did you clear your cache". Yes, Jessica. I even moved the game from my SD card to the switch's memory because I randomly heard it might help.

"Well the switch isn't powerful enough for it" BS. Have you ever played BOTW? That game is HUGE and beautiful, stunning even. Switch runs it just fine, never had a glitch or lag with it. Not even once.

I guess I'm just venting and looking for validation from other people with the same issues. And wondering if anyone has some super secret last resort fix that isn't posted anywhere online