Does anyone feel the game a little TOO grind-y?
I don’t mind some grind in a game, I love games like Genshin and animal crossing, but I feel like I’m grinding so much everyday whenever I can, for very little payoff :/ I’m still giving it a shot, but I’m going nuts trying to catch fish and bugs for the bundles and make money. It took me over 500 fish to even see and catch the unicorn fish, I haven’t seen a single other rare fish! Bugs too, I’ve spent so many hours just on bug hunting and haven’t found that stupid rainbow tipped butterfly 😭 the money grind is arguably worse since bugs and fish aren’t worth much when you’re catching non rare for hours to get a bundle fish. I want a beautiful house and feel I have to play 800+ hours like many high level players have to get it. That’s SO much time for a cute lot, and time ik many don’t have(I’ll be at it for a year at that rate doing zero other hobbies lmao) I’m mostly just venting and seeing if others relate! I’m not hating on the game or it’s creators. I respect their time and what they do, I just mildly feel like it is a bit more catered to grind gamers over cozy gamers than I expected