Self love is a scam
I don't about anybody else but self love is a scam. My parents (alive and well) used to ask me to get married at that time young and rebellious me said no I'm enough I don't need a man in my life ill become a successful independent woman. Bhaar main gaya success, bhaar main gaya sab kuch. Ab nai hota ye mujhse self love ya akele rehne wala drama. Kitna hi insan apne apse pyaar karlay but you need someone at some point in life. I'm at the point we're everyone around me is busy. Busy with their families. I miss the time when I was in university the only tension I had was "exams and assignments". I can't do this anymore. I want someone too. I want someone to share my sorrows and happiness. Someone who would take care of me. The only person I loved left me 2 years ago but everybody around me got married to theirs.
No need to comment or upvote on this post. I have nowhere to scream or pour my heart out. If I say this stuff in front of my parents I know they'll die inside. So here I am.