These things ruined my life

So I've had PVCs for almost 2 years now, they're not always there and up until 4 months ago they had practically vanished. But they came back but this time they're so different. The pauses are becoming longer and they overall make me feel horrible (no pain). The best way I can describe it is a mixture of my anxiety over them and then the deep gutteral feeling that these are not right. It's not a sense of doom per se but it's like my brain knows that this isn't just normal PVCs. I dread waking up nowadays because I know I'm going to at least have one really strong one that makes me cross my fingers that my heart beats once again. I would love to go see a cardiologist but American healthcare with a complete lack of insurance is basically a death sentence. I can't get insurance because I moved towns to stay with my partner (had a bad home life and couldn't find work in my home town.) And since being here I cannot seem to find work at all and even if I could just getting up to use the bathroom triggers them. I've been to a hospital which refused me and echo and just gave me an x ray and troponin test and told me to control my anxiety. Thing is, I don't have triggers for the anxiety. I can be doing anything and then it just snaps and my heart pounds, I get all tingly in my hands and face and stuff. It's to the point where I've resorted to just telling my heart "do it and get it over with" every single day. But then when a PVC happens I jump like I've been shot. I thought they would go away at some point but they just seem to be worsening. They lasted a month the first time and now I'm consecutively getting them everyday for 4 months. People always tell me it isn't hopeless but it pretty much is with the current state of affairs. There's nothing I can do about them because I have no access to proper medical care. It hurts my partner to hear me talk with no hope anymore but no matter how hard I look. I got none anymore. Sorry for ranting, I wish everyone here a great day, evening, month, year.