Breaking Down the Current Best Deck in PTCGP (...because I'm bored)
Okay, maybe not the best, but I'm confident this deck places its mark on the Top 3 spot. If you're having trouble finishing the 5 win streak event, you might wanna invest in this deck. On top of that, I would like to apologize beforehand if a lot of people has already made similar threads, I seldom open this subreddit.
Finished the 5 WS event with 9/10 WR.
Alright, the Magnetivire (Magnezone + Electivire) deck is the strongest and most consistent deck I have played so far in the game. I could only mention a few decks that are quite on par with the synergy, which are Florges+Togekiss (might make another guide by demand), Water Leafeon, and Darkweaver. Funnily enough, this deck's synergy somewhat resembles the electromagnetic relations :D
What makes this deck so good is how there are so many win conditions that the deck has to offer. Every single card actually matters and there are no gambling needed (although that's probably a downside for some people, lol). Naturally, being an electric deck, it counters the most tilting element, the water deck (simply because Misty exists). Here's the deck:
Magnetivire Deck Pt. 2 (ignore duplicated Electivire set).
- Deck consists of 2 Magnezone set (with the Volt Charge Magneton) and 2 Electivire set (with the Charge Electabuzz), totaling 10 Pokemons in play with good ratio of Basic, Stage 1, and Stage 2 cards.
- Deck has the generic efficient evolve set with 2 Prof. Oak's, 2 Pokeballs, and 2 Pokecomms.
- Deck has two trainers, 2 Volkner & 2 Surge, which might be a rare idea to most people but we will get to that very soon.
- REMINDER: Surge = Move all energy from bench to Electabuzz.
- REMINDER: Volkner = Move 2 discarded energy to Electivire.
- REMINDER: Electivire = 40 damage at 2 energy, 120 damage at 4 energy.
- You don't need retreat cards, it's against Volkner's synergy.
- Your win condition relies on what Basic you get at the start of the battle, and there are no such thing as "better start". Even with the unluckiest draw sequence, you can persevere for the good draws later on.
- Deck is great whether you're going first or second turn flip. First Turn = Typically bigger chance to evolve to Magneton sooner. Second Turn = With Electabuzz active, Magnemite bench, and Electivire+Magneton+Surge available within turn 4, you can already deal 120 damage by your second turn :)
- Scenario A: Magnemite active, Electabuzz bench. Either you will successfully deal 110 damage by getting to Magnezone, or you retreat with Magneton and get the Electivire ready with Volkner. This is the reason for not using retreat cards on this deck. It is important to count your discarded energy, as retreating Magnemite only gives 1 discard energy.
- Scenario B: Electabuzz active, Magnemite bench. Most of the time, this is a more favorable start, especially when you start second turn flip as you can draw energy with Electabuzz's Charge skill. Getting a Magneton will give you opportunity to get the 4 energy for Electivire easier by using Surge before you evolve to Electivire (be careful of this mistake!). There are occasions where you have to sacrifice the active Electabuzz to get 2 discard energy for your benched other Electabuzz (in this case, you need to have Electivire ready, as Volkner is targeting Electivire, not Electabuzz).
Other scenarios are quite similar with previously mentioned scenarios. This deck is very resourceful for you to decide the outcome of the game based on what draws sequence you get, making it fun to play as well. I recommend trying it out and terrorize the Versus mode with it, or maybe meet me and get terrorized there :) Feel free to discuss over the deck!