No recovery from crash!

I am utterly destressed and anxcious to lose my GF and newborn child. After I had Covid in December, I surprisingly had very good libido und erections were also better then before. Then 3 weeks after I crashed from one day to another. During these 3 weeks I nearly had sex everyday. I don’t really know the reason for the crash but I suspected it came from a ginger supplement which was part of a herbal SIBO trail. Since then I am not able to have sex - Cialis und Viagra are only marginally working. At first I thought it was a window and then a wave, but this wave is now 6 months without nealry no functioning at all. So I tried to stay calm the first weeks but now I am just pretty sure I can never have sex again.

So as I wrote in the beginning I am very anxcious about losing my gf and baby, since sex is not possible since then. Before it was managerable with cialis.

I need some hope or a way to cope. I stated wellbutrin 3 month ago but it only worked the morning after first dose. I doubled my T with hcg and tried every supplement under the sun.