My first PSP after so many years
I always wanted a PSP or a Nintendo DS but the trend of having an iPod won me and I got an iPod Touch back in early 2009
So, back on Feb. 2nd I went to a market fair area here where I live together with my friend becuase he needed to get a pair of shoes and on one of the booths I spotted this first gen PSP, so I asked the seller and he was asking 80k argentine pesos which is roughly 80 US bucks/euros, came with the charger and a 4 gig Memory Stick Pro Duo which sadly bit the dust two weeks later when I was testing emulators
Screen is mostly working but it has something on it which I believe it's dust and trust me is not on the shell, it's inside the console itself, one day I'm going to take it apart and see
Battery is OK, thankfully is not bulging and it's purely flat and lasts for around 5 hours more or less
Buttons are working fine thankfully, and as for the joystick, well it has it's drift (It drifts up slowly in games like Ikkitousen Xross Impact and on GTA CHW on the GPS map) but it's not as strong since I depend mostly on the D-pad
As for operating system is concerned it came with version 3.30 with the M33 CFW, meaning that certain games would work and others won't so with help of this sub and some Google I updated it to 6.60 with the Pro-C firmware and it's stable like a rock, ofc I did the CIPL install to have the CFW as permanent in case the MS decided to break which it did
The reasons why I decided to get a PSP was because most of the games that came out for it weren't released for new consoles afterwards like the Switch because it had an exclusivity deal back then (Examples can be the Ikkitousen games which one was released on the PS2 and the two others on PSP and so did many visual novels, yes I play VN's to improve my Japanese hearing since I am a hearing impaired user and to have fun) plus I switched to an iPhone (Was an Android user before btw) and didn't want to mess it by sideloading an alt store to it and the thing itself seemed more cheap than the ones sold on the online used market
The only things I bought for it were the famous MicroSD to MS adapter (I used a 32 gig Kingston card I used on my Switch before) and an UMD to test the drive and thankfully the game was so cheap so I had nothing to lose since I knew those UMD drives are so failure prone plus I don't have intentions to use it (If you wanna know the game I got was ModNation Racers)
Included in the pics is a size comparison with my Switch Lite, it's insane how much handheld gaming went evolving and I know some people are going to tell me that a Vita is better but... most games done for the Vita were ported to Steam so there's no point in getting one (I know for example Akiba's Trip and Persona 3 Portable also were ported to new platforms and are PSP games but I am more intrested on it's exclusives)
So I hope you enjoy this post and let me know what you think of it