Please contact your representative.

Hello, gonna keep this vague, I worked in Federal student aid and I was just terminated from my position due to direct targeting from this administration. Specifically, I worked directly alongside some of you all and helped with your PSLF issues. I worked in an office of people whose main job was to be advocates for borrowers like you, whether that be communication with your loan servicer or congressional offices etc. This week, my office was the target of the recent administrations action on terminating employees (unlawfully, allegedly) to reduce the size of the federal government.

You, the borrowers, are going to feel the direct consequences of this. I loved my job, I loved helping people and I loved being able to be apart of your success stories in getting your loans discharged. I have helped hundreds of you at my job, and now I am not able to do what I love because of this administration. If you feel inclined, please contact your representative and demand answers about what this administration is doing to federal employees, and what they are doing to make it stop. The way we have been terminated and thrown to the side is beyond inhumane.

I thank you all for your dedication to public service and hope I was able to serve you well.