My PS5 Pro experience
I was hesitant to get the ps5 pro because I didn’t have an oled tv or monitor - been gaming on the base ps5 on an old lg 4k tv and then recently with the newish Sony inzone m9 ii monitor.. which has great specs.
Graphics were pretty great to be honest on the base ps5 and the m9 ii and decided to upgrade to the pro last week cause I wanted the best graphics available.
Well guys let me just say, that I’m so happy I did. The graphics are absolutely amazing on the pro. To me the difference is big and the experience feels more PC. Been playing tlou 2 ( which we all know looks incredible ) and Alan wake 2 (absolutely gorgeous)
Also, I don’t think you need an oled monitor for the pro - but that is just my opinion!
I guess this post is to let people know that the pro is absolutely a game changer ( no pun intended). If you want the best graphics available, definitely upgrade.
Quick edit - just make sure your 4k tv/monitor has hdmi 2.1 like others have mentioned in the comments to get the best possible graphics.