PS5 rest mode mid-game
Anyone else experiencing this? Playing demon souls and astro's playroom it just random pops up on the screen entering rest mode. Sometimes it takes 5 minutes, 30 minutes, maybe 45. I played 6 hours straight earlier with my son with no issues. Then in the last hour its hit rest mode 4 times. I have disabled everything to do with rest mode that I can. We also did the following:
- Performed a reset
- Rebuilt the database
- Reinstalled the software (usb through safe mode)
I am at a loss. Do I wait it out for a software update or do I assume I got a faulty system?
We have the following setup (for those with similar issues):
- Older Visio 50" TV
- Kinivo 501BN 4k HDM Switch (Auto Switching)
- Included HDMI cables from PS5 to switch
- Redmere HDMI cable from switch to TV