Curious if I should talk to my doctor

Hi, I know it's annoying that I'm coming into your sub and asking for opinions but my online research isn't helping and I don't want to waste money on a doctor's apt...

All my life I've experienced a higher heart rate in general. Even when I'd do orange theory 6 days a week I could never keep my HR down if I did anything that involved bending over.

I've had random spells of getting super pale and light headed to the point my coworkers ask me if I need to go to the hospital. Once when I felt it I drove to urgent care right away to see if I could get some answers. Nothing.

Sometimes if I'm sitting in a raised temp room I start to get increased hr, nausea, diarrhea, and dizziness that lasts for half a day.

When I exercise I get so insanely exhausted the next morning I can barely move.

I've mostly associated all of this with anxiety, IBS spells, or just not being in shape. But now I'm not so sure. Does this seem like a reason to ask my doc about POTS?

I will not be using this as medical advice. I'm just curious if these symptoms align with what others have felt pretty diagnosis.