What does extreme fatigue look like for you?

I seen a number of posts on here from people claiming they deal with excessive fatigue and tiredness. I've seen some post to saying it's a symptom of pots. I've seen other posts saying it's chronic fatigue syndrome, which can easily be associated with pots.

But I'm wondering what exactly it looks like for others?

My mom hasn't been officially diagnosed yet. We're still navigating through doctor's appointments to figure that out. But all the symptoms fit. Constant light-headedness, dizzy spells, and constantly gasping for air or some of the biggest symptoms. As well as extreme fatigue. To the point where she will sometimes spend literally days in her bedroom. Barely able to walk from her bed to her recliner chair that's just a few steps away from the bed.

More and more lately it seems like if she has a semi-productive day, it'll be followed by two or three days of being bedridden.

She even developed kidney stones not too long ago, and the doctor explain that one of the things I could have caused it was not drinking enough and not going to the bathroom enough. There's so many times where she's so tired she would barely even get out of bed to refill a glass of water or walk to a bathroom and just hold it in instead.

When these bouts of extreme exhaustion hit, what can I do to help or encourage movement?