18f just got a diagnosis
Do you think if I manage my pots that my anxiety and depression will get a lot better too?
Also I think my showers shouldn't be so hot and maybe I should stop smoking weed and drinking Expresso This kinda sucks but I'm glad I know changing my lifestyle is the biggest part of managing this at least at this point it's the first thing I have to do
What exercising do people with pots do? I do a lot of yoga and can't stand hit workouts and it makes sense now also the fact that I need a 3 step body moisturizer routine everyday to keep soft skin and that I'm always reaching for fruit and juice and coconut water even though they're not my favorite for taste I just kinda crave them and I always thought I was getting anxiety attacks when I would get a rapid heart beat and get weak and fall to the ground or every time I smoke weed I get cotton mouth from hell unless I pregamed it with like a gallon of coconut water with Gatorade powder
Tips and tricks please I just got let know that I have this and I'm not well educated about it and I wanna live my best life