How are we dealing with anxiety about Dr.’s Appts?
I have intense anxiety about going to the doctor to the point where I have anxiety and panic attacks before and will have a full breakdown.
Once I get there, I’m relatively fine. I deal with the physical symptoms of anxiety when speaking up and advocating for myself but I can push through. But once I get back to my car I often end up in tears.
I’ve had my POTS diagnosis for about 8 months and most of my appointments are follow ups but I will be going to a few specialist in the future. Today I had a panic attack on my way to the gynecologist. Im also really lucky to have an Gyno and PCP that I really like and trust. I feel like they listen but it took so long to find people that did.
I think a lot of the anxiety stims from the medical gaslighting most of us have had to deal with in the process of getting diagnosed and also some medical anxiety that something is SERIOUSLY wrong based on my symptoms and how long it took to get a relatively simple POTS diagnosis.
I’d anyone else dealing with this? Any tips?