Newly Diagnosed and Confused
Hi everyone, I was recently diagnosed last week by my specialist and she only told me to up my salt by 8 grams, drink 80-100oz of water per day, wear compression gear and exercise 5 times a week for 30 minutes each session with things like an sitting bike but I am seriously lost.
I understand the baseline of how to manage my symptoms but what is the best way to execute it? I’m currently having the worst part of my flare up I’ve had to date and exercising is a no due to passing out, I’m drinking lots of water and using things like LMNT and over salting everything. Is there anything else I can do to manage these bad parts of my flare up?
I’ve been in a flare up since having my daughter 9 months ago, and the past few days have been awful. I’m trying not to freak out making myself think it’s something worse, and it’s only the POTS, but I feel like I cannot get any relief. Thanks everyone.