How has a diagnosis helped you?

I am seeking a diagnosis and am fairly close, i think, to receiving one. My cardiologist is treating me as if i have Hyperadrenergic POTS and I have done all but one rule out test (Computed Tomography Angiography) and have a referral to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, just waiting for their team to schedule me. Im asking because I dont want to get my hopes up for what kind of help i will get. In my mind, a formal diagnosis will help me get on the right medication (im on a beta blocker rn and all it does is keep me in safe bp and hr zones but my symptoms are still very limiting and borderline disabling,) allow my insurance (wellmark bluecross ) to cover more accomodating equipment/ durable medical equipment like a shower chair and better compression socks. Also, maybe it would allow me to get a disables parking placard so that i can park closer at stores and work (i work at a big university hospital) as well as helping me workplace accomodations. ( at the moment my fibro diagnosis doesnt really get me anything except strictly monitored, unpaid breaks)

Am i reaching to far here? How has a diagnosis helped you guys?