my classmate wrote about pmdd as a myth — needed to vent

it was for a term paper for one of our classes and i asked what she wrote about and she said pmdd. i nearly jumped out of my seat because i was like omg do you have pmdd? and she was like no i wrote about it and how it doesn’t exist. i wanted to tell her ummmm i can attest to the fact it exists but i didn’t want her to think poorly of me. i feel guilty because obviously, theoretically, it’s on her if she thinks i’m making it up for attention but i’m the one who has to live with it in actuality.

it was disheartening.

edited to add: i’m going to give her the benefit of the doubt and say she was writing about the two sides of the “debate” surrounding pmdd and examining the controversy of pmdd. but like even if it is examining both sides i feel like it’s similar to asking if adhd or autism really exists