Unpopular opinion; Play on Perfect Swing and Enjoy the game.
I’m currently working on my first character playing through the MyCareer and I am have a great time. The problem? Well I’m Playing it with the default settings, Perfect Swing. I’m sure this is an unpopular opinion, but it’s satisfying.
Yes, I have already tried the other difficulty settings through quick play and even attempted a few rounds against some Randos online. It was miserable, the swing is highly unforgiving which took all the fun away.
If wanted to play this bad, I’d grab my golf clubs and head down to the local course. Sitting at home, chilling with my friends, we want to feel like Tiger Woods for a change.
I figure I’ll play through the career on this mode for at least my first play through. If I get bored, then I will bump up the difficulty. Until then. Just enjoy the game and celebrate those crazy shots.