help - diagnostic process?
i (19F) have been struggling with irregular periods for 10 years, literally they have not been regular my entire life. Along with this, sometimes, comes excruciating pain, inability to move etc. I also have a MAJOR phobia of doctors/medical testing/anything similar. This goes beyond "being scared", it is intense panic attacks for days, not being able to eat, sleep or leave the house for more than a week before an appointment.
Recently I had to go to the GP as I had an extremely bad episode of pain, and I was throwing up so much, unable to move, sobbing, and thought I might have had appendicitis. She suspected PCOS and requested bloodwork (which took me almost 3 months to get done). She told me that my next appointment I will get my results and will need to get an ultrasound done.
She hasn't told me about whether it's external or internal, but I am petrified of both, not just because of medical phobia, but sexual trauma that means I freeze and panic when someone touches me, to the point where I can't move a muscle or breathe. I have done some research (stupidly,, i should not have googled) and saw that being overweight can make the external one not work as well, which is also a symptom or result of the suspected PCOS, which had me more worried. She asked if I was a virgin or sexually active at the last appointment and I "lied" and said virgin because I wasn't ready to tell her, and I was scared, but I know I should tell her; does this change the type of ultrasound I need? im very panicking and have been putting off booking the follow-up appointment because of it
I dont know what I need but any advice/information/comfort/someone to cry with would be great, sorry, thankyou